Went back through Tim Hawkinson, Sigmar Polke and John Humble—then hit the bulk of the permanent collection, which is fabulous.
Saw a couple of the finest Degas that I’ve seen anywhere. One I think was called “The Milliners” the other was a portrait of a woman (she may have been in a sanitorium, can't remember). Tons of amazing antiquities—esp.classical sculpture.
A beautiful Van Gogh “Irises”—a couple of great Rembrandt portraits (esp. one of an old man dressed as a soldier, with a feathered cap)—that huge James Ensor painting “Christ’s Entry into Brussels in 1889”—one of my absolute favorite things...a little wood sculpture of a head by Gauguin, with horns.
Such an amazing cornucopia of work, such a great physical setting, and hats off to Richard Meier for the stunning architectural triumph that is the Getty campus. If I lived in Los Angeles, Getty membership would be a must. It’s just one of those places that takes a lot of digging.
I’ve really learned to parcel out my energy in museums over the years. Didn't look at everything, just looked hard at a few things.