Oatmeal. Jasmine tea. KCRW...wait a minnit, what is this, Groundhog Day? It’s just nice having comfortable new habits to make this feel home-ish.
First trip tp the Getty yesterday. Kim Baum went out with me. We barely scratched the surface, so I’ll definitely go back a time or two.
Favorite things were:
Work by Tim Hawkinson—who I remembered from that Art21 series on PBS. Very select but tasty little exhibit. Called “Zoopsia”—something about hallucinations of animals. Also this giant installation floating above the main entrance hall called “überorgan”—a lot like the ductwork in “Brazil”—plays music every hour from a big player piano-type roll. Seem to remember it from Art21.
Photographs of Los Angeles by John Humble. Beautiful urban landscapes shot on an NEA grant. Got the book, but haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
Sigmar Polke photographs from late 60s–early 70s. Was always inspired by his experimentation and sloppy-ness. These photographs seem pretty timeless
The buildings and the gardens. Wow. What a great place to be a gardener. Amazing to see an architectural project like this that seemed to have no budgetary constraints. Nice that it’s free to the public.
Had a very nice dinner with my friends Joshua and Moira at their lovely Craftsman house in Hollywood. Joshua and I met in Ireland while traveling two decades ago and have managed to become and stay good friends, despite seeing each other much too infrequently.
I helped him and his biz partner John work on some packaging for some great wine cataloging and food pairing software called The Personal Wine Curator. Check it out.